You know when you meet someone random at a party and you just click? Well that was me and my friend A. A and I were seated next to each other at a mutual friend's bridal shower. Hours after the party concluded we were still standing in the car park chatting. She, like me, is not keen on stereotyping or bog standard stuff.
When she told me she was expecting, due just a few short months after Puggle, a custom made quilt was the only way to go!
I've always adored the idea of a Cascading Rainbow quilt like this one...
but as a novice quilter and a neophite when it comes to colour, this just seemed too daunting. So I settled for a simple albeit just as bright rainbow. Now when I say rainbow, keep in mind that we're not talking fairies and unicorns. It was the splendid colour challenge that inspired me.
Laying it out |
Being such a simple design, the rikrak was a bit of an afterthought to lift the whole project. I was stoked when Mum found the lolly hearts backing fabric - anyone who knows me knows my addiction to conversations, my dentist best of all ;)